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“Best Contra Game Hit 23 Years Ago”


Hard core, or hard corpse?

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Sega Genesis owners basked in the glory of owning the most hardcore, cyberpunk-flavored Contra game of its era. While Nintendo fans played Contra III: The Alien Wars, we were immersed in the gritty world of Contra: Hard Corps. This game felt like a heavy metal album cover come to life, with its tough-as-nails difficulty and the option to choose from multiple characters, including the adorable robot, Browny, and branching level paths. Today marks its 23rd anniversary, and I can’t help but feel my age.

Most gamers would argue that Contra III is the superior title, with its fair gameplay and memorable levels. Yet, the exclusivity and cool factor of Hard Corps made it a special treat for Sega Genesis owners. As a child, it was exhilarating to own a console that offered such a unique and edgy take on the Contra series.

Contra: Hard Corps found a spiritual successor in Hard Corps: Uprising for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It maintained the series’ reputation for being ridiculously challenging, yet immensely enjoyable.

The Contra series has seen a lull in recent years, but revisiting Hard Corps remains a nostalgic delight. Its killer soundtrack and gritty visuals never fail to impress, even if I rarely make it far into the game. For those interested, the Japanese version offers a slightly easier experience, although the lack of English dialogue doesn’t detract much from the overall experience.

Bonus: Here’s a longplay of the game if you can’t find your copy: